Monday 2 December 2019


(with apologies to Rudyard Kipling)

If you can please the Head when all about you
Are losing hope and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when parents doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can teach and not be tired by teaching,
Surviving on four hours of sleep each night;
And work through evenings and the weekends
And still be full of energy and fight;

If you can plan, but not make plans your master;
If you can grade, but not make grades your aim;
If you can meet with Ofsted and the governors,
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to see reports you’ve written
Credited to others in your team;
Or see the mug your mother gave you, broken,
In the staffroom, in the bin;

If you can manage the school’s website
Deal with the crashes, trolls and hacks
Maintain the school’s online presence
Through mass denial of service attacks;
If you can lead your students on a school trip,
And always turn an eye that’s blind;
To tolerate high spirited behaviour,
Returning later, no child left behind;

If you can tweet and post yet keep your virtue,
Nor block or unfollow those who disagree;
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
At least not so that anyone can see;

If you can fill that unforgiving lesson
With sixty minutes worth of learning blend,
Yours is the classroom and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a teacher, my friend!

20 November, 2019


Every morning you wake
All the love you can fake
All the hearts that you break
All the pain you can take
Every ache you can ache
Every noise you can make
All the mud you can rake
Every wager you stake

Every game that you play
All the insults you say
All the fears kept at bay
Every bill that you pay
Every time that you stray
Every hour in the day
All the prayers that you pray
Every time you delay

All the lies you can spin
Every battle you win
All the smiles you can grin
Every sin you can sin
Every mile you can walk
All the victims you stalk
All the words you can talk
Every blackboard you chalk

Every user you troll
All the votes you can poll
Every item you stole
And the dice that you roll
All the wages you earn
And the bridges you burn
All the heads that you turn
And the lessons you learn

Every place you can go
And the things you can know
All the chances you blow
All the tantrums you throw
All the times you say no
All the seeds that you sow
In the sun and the snow
As above so below

Each assignment you grade
Every meal you have made
All the deals you can trade
All the dues you have paid
Every role you have played
All your knowledge conveyed

As below so above
They are nought
Without love

Steve Wheeler © 25, November, 2019