Saturday 29 May 2021

Entanglement theory

In time, we were entangled 
joined as one in quantum manner 
In space, you were my tether 
Quantum glue with added glamour

Like accelerated particles 
our clash was sub-atomic 
But now we are entangled 
our attraction’s anatomic

At my core I’ll always hold you 
We know that I affect you 
just as much as you affect me

We’re at once both up and down 
We are bonded, we won’t part 
Your charm attracts my strangeness
 truth and beauty rule your heart

Our ties spread out like foam 
across our quantum galaxy 
I may sometimes be a p-brane 
 but your waveform sets me free

Steve Wheeler © 29 May, 2021


  1. Lovely composition. Loved the phrases which are worth noticing "my tether..quantum glue, subatomic clash..attraction's anatomic"..."I affect you as much as you affect me"...yes realy though it's enigmatic but it's something which beyond our grasp which works sometimes as telepathy...and the bond feels like glued in deeper realm in quantum entanglement.

    1. Thanks for reading Parthita. It is indeed something of a mystery. Love is like gravity. You can't see either, but both are incredible forces that affect us all.

  2. Exquisite Piece of Elegy. Was just passing by Sir.

    1. Thank you for stopping off to read and comment. I really appreciate it.
